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Arrays and Native Containers

Arrays of C# primitive types, like int[], and Unity primitive types, such as Vector3, are serialized by built-in serialization code. Otherwise, any array of types that aren't handled by the built-in serialization code, such as string[], needs to be handled through a container class or structure that implements the INetworkSerializable interface.

Built-In Primitive Types Example

Using built-in primitive types is fairly straight forward:

void HelloServerRpc(int[] scores, Color[] colors) { /* ... */ }

INetworkSerializable Implementation Example

There are many ways to handle sending an array of managed types. The below example is a simple string container class that implements INetworkSerializable and can be used as an array of "StringContainers":

void SendMessagesClientRpc(StringContainer[] messages)
foreach (var stringContainer in stringContainers)

public class StringContainer : INetworkSerializable
public string SomeText;
public void NetworkSerialize<T>(BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter
if (serializer.IsWriter)
serializer.GetFastBufferReader().ReadValueSafe(out SomeText);

Native Containers

Netcode for GameObjects supports NativeArray and NativeList native containers with built-in serialization, RPCs, and NetworkVariables. However, you cannot nest either of these containers without causing a crash.

A few examples of nesting that will cause a crash:

  • NativeArray<NativeList<T>>
  • NativeList<NativeArray<T>>
  • NativeArray<NativeArray<T>>
  • NativeList<NativeList<T>>


To serialize a NativeArray container, use serializer.SerializeValue(ref Array).


To serialize a NativeList container, you must:

  1. Ensure your assemblies reference Collections.
  2. You must add UNITY_NETCODE_NATIVE_COLLECTION_SUPPORT to your Scriptiong Define Symbols list.
    1. From the Unity Editor top bar menu, go to Edit > Project Settings... > Player.
    2. Select the Other Settings dropdown.
    3. Scroll to Script Compilation > Scripting Define Symbols.
  3. Use serializer.SerializeValue(ref List) as your serialization syntax.

When using NativeLists within INetworkSerializable, the list ref value must be a valid, initialized NativeList.

NetworkVariables are similar that the value must be initialized before it can receive updates. For example, public NetworkVariable<NativeList<byte>> ByteListVar = new NetworkVariable<NativeList<byte>>{Value = new NativeList<byte>(Allocator.Persistent)};

RPCs do this automatically.