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Custom Messages

If you don't want to use the Netcode for GameObjects (Netcode) messaging system, you don't have to. You can use a thin layer called "Custom Messages" to implement your own messaging behavior or add custom targeting. They're unbound to any GameObject. You can use Custom messages with RPC messages.

There are two types of custom messages:

  • Unnamed
  • Named

Unnamed Messages

You can think about unnamed messages as if you are sending information over a single unique channel. There's only one receiver handler per unnamed message, which can help when building a custom messaging system where you can define your own message headers. Netcode for GameObjects handles delivering and receiving custom unnamed messages; you determine what kind of information you want to transmit over the channel.

Unnamed Message Example

Below is a basic example of how you might implement your own messaging system using unnamed messages:

using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Netcode;

/// <summary>
/// Using an unnamed message to send a string message
/// <see cref="CustomUnnamedMessageHandler<T>"/> defined
/// further down below.
/// </summary>
public class UnnamedStringMessageHandler : CustomUnnamedMessageHandler<string>
/// <summary>
/// We override this method to define the unique message type
/// identifier for this child derived class
/// </summary>
protected override byte MessageType()
// As an example, we can define message type of 1 for string messages
return 1;

public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
// For this example, we always want to invoke the base

if (IsServer)
// Server broadcasts to all clients when a new client connects
// (just for example purposes)
NetworkManager.OnClientConnectedCallback += OnClientConnectedCallback;
// Clients send a greeting string message to the server
SendUnnamedMessage("I am a client connecting!");

public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
// For this example, we always want to invoke the base

// Whether server or not, unregister this.
NetworkManager.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= OnClientConnectedCallback;

private void OnClientConnectedCallback(ulong clientId)
// Server broadcasts a welcome string message to all clients that
// a new client has joined.
SendUnnamedMessage($"Everyone welcome the newly joined client ({clientId})!");

/// <summary>
/// For this example, we override this message to handle receiving the string
/// message.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnReceivedUnnamedMessage(ulong clientId, FastBufferReader reader)
var stringMessage = string.Empty;
reader.ReadValueSafe(out stringMessage);
if (IsServer)
Debug.Log($"Server received unnamed message of type ({MessageType()}) from client " +
$"({clientId}) that contained the string: \"{stringMessage}\"");

// As an example, we can also broadcast the client message to everyone
SendUnnamedMessage($"Newly connected client sent this greeting: \"{stringMessage}\"");

/// <summary>
/// For this example, we will send a string as the payload.
/// IMPORTANT NOTE: You can construct your own header to be
/// written for custom message types, this example just uses
/// the message type value as the "header". This provides us
/// with the ability to have "different types" of unnamed
/// messages.
/// </summary>
public override void SendUnnamedMessage(string dataToSend)
var writer = new FastBufferWriter(1100, Allocator.Temp);
var customMessagingManager = NetworkManager.CustomMessagingManager;
// Tip: Placing the writer within a using scope assures it will
// be disposed upon leaving the using scope
using (writer)
// Write our message type

// Write our string message
if (IsServer)
// This is a server-only method that will broadcast the unnamed message.
// Caution: Invoking this method on a client will throw an exception!
// This method can be used by a client or server (client to server or server to client)
customMessagingManager.SendUnnamedMessage(NetworkManager.ServerClientId, writer);

/// <summary>
/// A templated class to handle sending different data types
/// per unique unnamed message type/child derived class.
/// </summary>
public class CustomUnnamedMessageHandler<T> : NetworkBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Since there is no unique way to identify unnamed messages,
/// adding a message type identifier to the message itself is
/// one way to handle know:
/// "what kind of unnamed message was received?"
/// </summary>
protected virtual byte MessageType()
// The default unnamed message type
return 0;

/// <summary>
/// For most cases, you want to register once your NetworkBehaviour's
/// NetworkObject (typically in-scene placed) is spawned.
/// </summary>
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
// Both the server-host and client(s) will always subscribe to the
// the unnamed message received event
NetworkManager.CustomMessagingManager.OnUnnamedMessage += ReceiveMessage;

public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
// Unsubscribe when the associated NetworkObject is despawned.
NetworkManager.CustomMessagingManager.OnUnnamedMessage -= ReceiveMessage;

/// <summary>
/// This method needs to be overridden to handle reading a unique message type
/// (that is, derived class)
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnReceivedUnnamedMessage(ulong clientId, FastBufferReader reader)

/// <summary>
/// For this unnamed message example, we always read the message type
/// value to determine if it should be handled by this instance in the
/// event it's a child of the CustomUnnamedMessageHandler class.
/// </summary>
private void ReceiveMessage(ulong clientId, FastBufferReader reader)
var messageType = (byte)0;
// Read the message type value that is written first when we send
// this unnamed message.
reader.ReadValueSafe(out messageType);
// Example purposes only, you might handle this in a more optimal way
if (messageType == MessageType())
OnReceivedUnnamedMessage(clientId, reader);

/// <summary>
/// For simplicity, the default does nothing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataToSend"></param>
public virtual void SendUnnamedMessage(T dataToSend)


Named Messages

If you don't want to handle the complexity of creating your own messaging system, Netcode for GameObjects also provides you with the option to use custom named messages. Custom named messages use the message name as the unique identifier (it creates a hash value from the name and links that to a received named message callback).


If you aren't quite sure if you need to incorporate the complexity of message identification and handling like you do with custom unnamed messages, you can always start with custom named messages and then if, later, you find you need sub-message types for a specific custom named message then you can always incorporate a type identifier (like you would with unnamed messages) into the named message payload itself.

Name Message Example

Below is a basic example of implementing a custom named message:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Netcode;
public class CustomNamedMessageHandler : NetworkBehaviour
[Tooltip("The name identifier used for this custom message handler.")]
public string MessageName = "MyCustomNamedMessage";

/// <summary>
/// For most cases, you want to register once your NetworkBehaviour's
/// NetworkObject (typically in-scene placed) is spawned.
/// </summary>
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
// Both the server-host and client(s) register the custom named message.
NetworkManager.CustomMessagingManager.RegisterNamedMessageHandler(MessageName, ReceiveMessage);

if (IsServer)
// Server broadcasts to all clients when a new client connects (just for example purposes)
NetworkManager.OnClientConnectedCallback += OnClientConnectedCallback;
// Clients send a unique Guid to the server

private void OnClientConnectedCallback(ulong obj)

public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
// De-register when the associated NetworkObject is despawned.
// Whether server or not, unregister this.
NetworkManager.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= OnClientConnectedCallback;

/// <summary>
/// Invoked when a custom message of type <see cref="MessageName"/>
/// </summary>
private void ReceiveMessage(ulong senderId, FastBufferReader messagePayload)
var receivedMessageContent = new ForceNetworkSerializeByMemcpy<Guid>(new Guid());
messagePayload.ReadValueSafe(out receivedMessageContent);
if (IsServer)
Debug.Log($"Sever received GUID ({receivedMessageContent.Value}) from client ({senderId})");
Debug.Log($"Client received GUID ({receivedMessageContent.Value}) from the server.");

/// <summary>
/// Invoke this with a Guid by a client or server-host to send a
/// custom named message.
/// </summary>
public void SendMessage(Guid inGameIdentifier)
var messageContent = new ForceNetworkSerializeByMemcpy<Guid>(inGameIdentifier);
var writer = new FastBufferWriter(1100, Allocator.Temp);
var customMessagingManager = NetworkManager.CustomMessagingManager;
using (writer)
if (IsServer)
// This is a server-only method that will broadcast the named message.
// Caution: Invoking this method on a client will throw an exception!
customMessagingManager.SendNamedMessageToAll(MessageName, writer);
// This is a client or server method that sends a named message to one target destination
// (client to server or server to client)
customMessagingManager.SendNamedMessage(MessageName, NetworkManager.ServerClientId, writer);