The position, rotation, and scale of a NetworkObject
is normally only synchronized once when that object is spawned. To synchronize position, rotation, and scale at realtime during the game, a NetworkTransform
component is needed. NetworkTransform
synchronizes the transform from server object to the clients.
covers most use cases for synchronizing transforms. For some special cases such as fast paced games a custom implementation with a different interpolation algorithm might be better.
You can have multiple NetworkTransform
components on child objects of your network object to synchronize individual positions of child objects.
Restricting Synchronization
Quite often not all transform values of a GameObject need to be synchronized over the network. For instance if the scale of the GameObject never changes it can be deactivated in the syncing scale
row in the inspector. Currently deactivating synchronization only saves on CPU costs but in the future it will also reduce the bandwidth used by NetworkTransform`.
The threshold values can be used to set a minimum threshold value. Whether to properly scale to your project's world unit scale or to reduce the frequency of synchronization updates, changes below threshold values won't be synchronized. For example, if your NetworkTransform has Interpolate enabled you might find that you can lower your position threshold resolution (that is, position threshold value increased) without impacting the "smoothness" of an object's motion. Increasing the threshold value (lowering the resolution of synchronization updates) will reduce the frequency of when the object's position is synchronized which translates to reducing bandwidth consumption.
Many small changes below the threshold will still result in a synchronization of the values as soon as all the accumulative changes cross the threshold.
Local Space
By default NetworkTransform
synchronizes the transform of an object in world space. The In Local Space
configuration option allows to switch to synchronizing the transform in local space instead.
Using local space
can improve the synchronization of the transform when the object gets re-parented because the re-parenting won't change the local space
transform of the object but would modify the global space
Check the Interpolate
setting to enabled interpolation. Interpolation is enabled by default and is highly recommended. With interpolation enabled the NetworkTransform
smoothly interpolates incoming changes to position, rotation and scale. In addition interpolation buffers the incoming data with a slight delay and applies additional smoothing to the values. All these factors combined result in a much smoother transform synchronization.
When Interpolate
is disabled changes to the transform are applied immediately resulting in a less smooth position and more jitter.
The NetworkTransform component only interpolates client-side. For smoother movement on the host or server, users may want to implement interpolation server-side as well. While the server won't have the jitter caused by the network, some stutter can still happen locally, for example if movement is done in FixedUpdate with a low physics update rate.

always synchronizes positions from the server to the clients and position changes on the clients aren't allowed. Netcode for GameObjects comes with a sample containing a ClientNetworkTransform
. This transform synchronizes the position of the owner client to the server and all other client allowing for client authoritative gameplay.
You can use the existing ClientNetworkTransform in the Multiplayer Samples Utilities package.
To add the Multiplayer Samples Utilities package:
- Open the Package Manager by selecting Window > Package Manager.
- Select the plus button (+) > Add from git URL....
- Copy and paste the following Git URL:> Technologies/
- Select Add.
Optionally, you can directly add this line to your manifest.json
"": ""
You can also create your own ClientNetworkTransform
by deriving from NetworkTransform
, overriding the OnIsServerAuthoritative
virtual method, and returning false: