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Create a simple client and server

This guide walks you through using the Unity Transport package to create a simple client and server that use a remote function over a UDP connection to add two numbers with the following flow:

  1. The client connects to the server.
  2. The client sends a number to the server.
  3. The server receives the number and adds it to another number.
  4. The server sends the sum of the two numbers to the client.
  5. The client receives the sum.
  6. The client disconnects from the server and quits.

It shows how to use the Unity Transport API to:

  • Configure
  • Connect
  • Send data
  • Receive data
  • Close a connection
  • Disconnect
  • Timeout a connection

The client-server workflow in this guide shows the subtle differences between using the NetworkDriver for clients and servers.

Create a server

A server is an endpoint that listens for incoming connection requests and sends and receives messages. This section shows creating a simple server with UTP 2.0.

Start by creating a C# script in the Unity Editor. Name the script ServerBehaviour.cs.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ServerBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


The com.unity.transport package is a low-level API, and, as a result, there is a bit of boilerplate code you should set up. The necessity of the boilerplate code is due to an architecture design to ensure you always have full control.


As development on the com.unity.transport package evolves, Unity might create more abstractions to reduce your workload on a day-to-day basis.

In the ServerBehaviour.cs script, clean up the dependencies and add the boilerplate code:

Filename: ServerBehaviour.cs

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Networking.Transport;


The following code shows the necessary boilerplate code and creates empty bodies for the Start, OnDestroy, and Update methods. It also declares a NetworkDriver and creates a NativeList to hold all connections between the client and server.

Filename: ServerBehaviour.cs

using ...

public class ServerBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {

public NetworkDriver m_Driver;
private NativeList<NetworkConnection> m_Connections;

void Start () {

void OnDestroy() {

void Update () {

public NetworkDriver m_Driver;
private NativeList<NetworkConnection> m_Connections;

Next, expand the Start, OnDestroy, and Update methods.

Start method

First, define the logic in the MonoBehaviour.Start method.

Filename: ServerBehaviour.cs

void Start ()
m_Driver = NetworkDriver.Create();
var endpoint = NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4;
endpoint.Port = 9000;
if (m_Driver.Bind(endpoint) != 0)
Debug.Log("Failed to bind to port 9000");

m_Connections = new NativeList<NetworkConnection>(16, Allocator.Persistent);

The first line of code, m_Driver = NetworkDriver.Create(), creates a NetworkDriver instance without any parameters.

Next, m_Driver.Bind binds the NetworkDriver instance to a specific network address and port, and if that doesn't fail, it calls the Listen method.

   if (m_Driver.Bind(endpoint) != 0)
Debug.Log("Failed to bind to port 9000");

The call to the Listen method sets the NetworkDriver to the Listen state, which means the NetworkDriver actively listens for incoming connections.

m_Connections creates a NativeList to hold all the connections.

m_Connections = new NativeList<NetworkConnection>(16, Allocator.Persistent);

OnDestroy method

You must dispose of both NetworkDriver and NativeList because they allocate unmanaged memory. To ensure proper disposal, call the Dispose method when you no longer need them.

Add the following code to the OnDestroy method on MonoBehaviour:

Filename: ServerBehaviour.cs

public void OnDestroy()
if (m_Driver.IsCreated)

The check for m_Driver.IsCreated ensures you don't dispose of unallocated memory. For example, UTP doesn’t allocate memory for disabled components.

Server Update loop

The com.unity.transport package uses the Unity C# Job System internally. As a result, the m_Driver has a ScheduleUpdate method call. Call the Complete method on the returned JobHandle inside the Update loop to ensure you know when to process updates.

void Update () {


This example forces synchronization on the main thread to update and handle the data later in the MonoBehaviour::Update call. The workflow Create a jobified client and server shows how to use the Transport package with the C# Job System.

After updating m_Driver, the first thing you must do is handle the connections. Start by cleaning up any stale connections from the list before processing new ones. Cleaning up stale connections ensures you don't have any old connections lying around when you iterate through the list to check for new events.

The following code iterates through the connection list and removes any stale connections.

   // Clean up connections
for (int i = 0; i < m_Connections.Length; i++)
if (!m_Connections[i].IsCreated)

The following code adds a connection while there are new connections to accept.

   // Accept new connections
NetworkConnection c;
while ((c = m_Driver.Accept()) != default(NetworkConnection))
Debug.Log("Accepted a connection");

You now have an up-to-date connection list and can start querying the driver for events that might have happened since the last update.

  DataStreamReader stream;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Connections.Length; i++)
if (!m_Connections[i].IsCreated)

Begin by defining a DataStreamReader, which you’ll use to process received Data events. Next, loop through the connections.

Call PopEventForConnection for each connection while unprocessed events exist.

   NetworkEvent.Type cmd;
while ((cmd = m_Driver.PopEventForConnection(m_Connections[i], out stream)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)

You can also use the NetworkEvent.Type PopEvent(out NetworkConnection con, out DataStreamReader slice) method call, which returns the first available event, the NetworkConnection that it's for, and possibly a DataStreamReader.

Now it’s time to process events. Start with the Data event.

   if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)

Next, try to read a uint from the stream and output the received data:

   uint number = stream.ReadUInt();
Debug.Log("Got " + number + " from the Client adding + 2 to it.");

After outputting the received data, add the received numbers and send the sum back to the client. To send anything with the NetworkDriver, you need an instance of a DataStreamWriter. A DataStreamWriter is a new type that comes with the com.unity.transport package. You get a DataStreamWriter when you start sending a message by calling BeginSend.

After you’ve written the sum of the two numbers to the stream, call the EndSend method on the driver. Off it goes!

   number +=2;

m_Driver.BeginSend(NetworkPipeline.Null, m_Connections[i], out var writer);

This example passes NetworkPipeline.Null to the BeginSend function to tell the driver to use the unreliable pipeline to send the data. However, it’s also possible to choose not to specify a pipeline.

You must handle the disconnect case. Handling the disconnect case is pretty straightforward: if you receive a disconnect message, reset that connection to a default(NetworkConnection). The next time the Update loop runs, you should clean up the stale connections..

               else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)
Debug.Log("Client disconnected from server");
m_Connections[i] = default(NetworkConnection);

You’ve now created the server, and you’re ready to create a client. Here’s a summary of the server logic:

  1. Add any necessary boilerplate code.
  2. Define the Start method logic, which includes declaring (and binding to) a NetworkDriver and creating a NativeList to hold the connections.
  3. Define the OnDestroy method logic, which includes disposing of the NetworkDriver and the NativeList that holds the connections.
  4. Define the Update loop logic, which includes listening for connections, adding connections, processing data, handling disconnections, and cleaning up stale connections.

See ServerBehaviour.cs for the full source code.

Create a Client

This section shows creating a simple client with UTP 2.0. The client code looks pretty similar to the server code at first glance, but there are subtle differences. This part of the workflow covers the differences between them and not so much the similarities.

Start by creating a C# script in the Unity Editor. Name the script ClientBehaviour.cs.

Similar to the server behavior, you still need to define a NetworkDriver. However, the client only has one instead of a list of connections. There’s also a Done flag to indicate when the client is finished with the connection. You can also use the Done flag to exit if you have connection issues.

Filename: Assets\Scripts\ClientBehaviour.cs

using ...

public class ClientBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {

public NetworkDriver m_Driver;
public NetworkConnection m_Connection;
public bool Done;

void Start () { ... }
public void OnDestroy() { ... }
void Update() { ... }

Create and connect a client

Start by creating a NetworkDriver for the client and an address for the server.

void Start () {
m_Driver = NetworkDriver.Create();
m_Connection = default(NetworkConnection);

var endpoint = NetworkEndPoint.LoopbackIpv4;
endpoint.Port = 9000;
m_Connection = m_Driver.Connect(endpoint);

Then call the Connect method on the NetworkDriver you created.

Cleaning up the client is easier than cleaning up the server because you don’t need a NativeList to hold the connections. You only need to dispose of the NetworkDriver.

public void OnDestroy()

Client Update loop

You start the client Update loop the same way as the server: by calling m_Driver.ScheduleUpdate().Complete(), then ensuring the connection succeeded.

void Update()

if (!m_Connection.IsCreated)
if (!Done)
Debug.Log("Something went wrong during connect");

The following code is similar to the server Update loop code. However, if you look closely, you can see the call to m_Driver.PopEventForConnection is replaced with a call to m_Connection.PopEvent. This is technically the same method; it just makes it clearer that you are handling a single connection.

   DataStreamReader stream;
NetworkEvent.Type cmd;
while ((cmd = m_Connection.PopEvent(m_Driver, out stream)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)

Now you encounter a new event you haven't seen yet: a NetworkEvent.Type.Connect event. The NetworkEvent.Type.Connect event tells you that you received a ConnectionAccept message and are now connected to the remote peer.


In this case, the server listens on port 9000 on NetworkEndPoint.LoopbackIpv4 (more commonly known as

   if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Connect)
Debug.Log("We are now connected to the server");

uint value = 1;
m_Driver.BeginSend(m_Connection, out var writer);

Upon establishing a connection between the client and the server, the client sends a number to the server (that the server increments by two). Using the BeginSend / EndSend pattern with the DataStreamWriter, set value to one, write it into the stream, and send it out on the network.

When the NetworkEvent type is Data, read the value you received back from the server, then call the Disconnect method.


The recommended best practice is to set NetworkConnection to default(NetworkConnection) to avoid stale references.

   else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)
uint value = stream.ReadUInt();
Debug.Log("Got the value = " + value + " back from the server");
Done = true;
m_Connection = default(NetworkConnection);

You must handle potential server disconnects:

            else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)
Debug.Log("Client got disconnected from server");
m_Connection = default(NetworkConnection);

You’ve now created the server and client, and you’re ready to put it all together. Here’s a summary of the client logic:

  1. Define the Start method logic, which includes declaring (and binding to) a NetworkDriver.
  2. Define the OnDestroy method logic, which includes disposing of the NetworkDriver.
  3. Define the Update loop logic, which includes connecting to the server, handling the Connect event, sending data, receiving data, and handling disconnections.

See ClientBehaviour.cs for the full source code.

Test the server and client

If you’ve been following along with the tutorial and using the sample code, you now have a functional server and client. This section shows how to put it together and test it in the Unity Editor.

Add a new empty GameObject to your Scene.


Add both the ServerBehaviour and the ClientBehaviour scripts to the GameObject.


Select Play to enter Play mode. You should see five log messages in the Console window:

Console output


See Client and server over WebSocket.