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The NetworkManager is a required Netcode for GameObjects component that has all of your project's netcode-related settings. Think of it as the central netcode hub for your netcode-enabled project.

NetworkManager Inspector properties

  • LogLevel: Sets the network logging level
  • PlayerPrefab: When a prefab is assigned, the prefab will be instantiated as the PlayerObject and assigned to the newly connected and authorized client. For more information about player prefabs, refer to PlayerObjects and player prefabs.
  • NetworkPrefabs: Where you register your network prefabs. You can also create a single network prefab override per registered network prefab here.
  • Protocol Version: Set this value to help distinguish between builds when the most current build has new assets that can cause issues with older builds connecting.
  • Network Transport: Where your network specific settings and transport type is set. This field accepts any INetworkTransport implementation. However, unless you have unique transport specific needs UnityTransport is the recommended transport to use with Netcode for GameObjects.
  • Tick Rate: This value controls the network tick update rate.
  • Ensure Network Variable Length Safety: (Increases cpu processing and bandwidth) When this property is checked, Netcode for GameObjects will prevent user code from writing past the boundaries of a NetworkVariable.
  • Connection Approval: This enables connection approval when this is checked and the NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalCallback is assigned.
  • Client Connection Buffer Timeout: This value sets the amount of time that has to pass for a connecting client to complete the connection approval process. If the time specified is exceeded the connecting client will be disconnected.
  • Force Same Prefabs: When checked it will always verify that connecting clients have the same registered network prefabs as the server. When not checked, Netcode for GameObjects will ignore any differences.
  • Recycle Network Ids: When checked this will re-use previously assigned NetworkObject.NetworkObjectIds after the specified period of time.
  • Network Id Recycle Delay: The time it takes for a previously assigned but currently unassigned identifier to be available for use.
  • Enable Scene Management: When checked, Netcode for GameObjects will handle scene management and client synchronization for you. When not checked, you will have to create your own scene management scripts and handle client synchronization.
  • Load Scene Time Out: When Enable Scene Management is checked, this specifies the period of time the NetworkSceneManager will wait while a scene is being loaded asynchronously before NetworkSceneManager considers the load/unload scene event to have failed/timed out.

NetworkManager sub-systems

NetworkManager is also where you can find references to other Netcode related management systems:


All NetworkManager sub-systems are instantiated once the NetworkManager is started (that is, NetworkManager.IsListening == true). A good general "rule of thumb" is to not attempt to access the below sub-systems before starting the NetworkManager, otherwise they won't yet be initialized.

Starting a server, host, or client

To perform any netcode-related action that involves sending messages, you must first have a server started and listening for connections with at least one client (a server can send RPCs to itself when running as a host) that is connected. To accomplish this, you must first start your NetworkManager as a server, host, or client. There are three NetworkManager methods you can invoke to accomplish this:

NetworkManager.Singleton.StartServer();      // Starts the NetworkManager as just a server (that is, no local client).
NetworkManager.Singleton.StartHost(); // Starts the NetworkManager as both a server and a client (that is, has local client)
NetworkManager.Singleton.StartClient(); // Starts the NetworkManager as just a client.

Don't start a NetworkManager within any NetworkBehaviour component's method; doing so can produce timing-related issues that cause the NetworkManager to only start once or not at all. NetworkManagers begin and end a network session, while NetworkBehaviour components are used during a network session. By the time you're using NetworkBehaviours, a NetworkManager should already be running.


When starting a Server or joining an already started session as client, the NetworkManager can spawn a "Player Object" belonging to the client.

For more information about player prefabs see:


When starting a client, the NetworkManager uses the IP and the Port provided in your Transport component for connecting. While you can set the IP address in the editor, many times you might want to be able to set the IP address and port during runtime.

The below examples use Unity Transport to show a few ways you can gain access to the UnityTransport component via the NetworkManager.Singleton to configure your project's network settings programmatically:

If you are only setting the IP address and port number, then you can use the UnityTransport.SetConnectionData method:

"", // The IP address is a string
(ushort)12345 // The port number is an unsigned short

If you are using the same code block to configure both your server and your client and you want to configure your server to listen to all IP addresses assigned to it, then you can also pass a 'listen address' of "" to the SetConnectionData method, like so:

"", // The IP address is a string
(ushort)12345, // The port number is an unsigned short
"" // The server listen address is a string.

Using an IP address of for the server listen address will make a server or host listen on all IP addresses assigned to the local system. This can be particularly helpful if you are testing a client instance on the same system as well as one or more client instances connecting from other systems on your local area network. Another scenario is while developing and debugging you might sometimes test local client instances on the same system and sometimes test client instances running on external systems.

It is possible to access the current connection data at runtime, via NetworkManager.Singleton.GetComponent<UnityTransport>().ConnectionData. This will return a ConnectionAddressData struct, holding this info. You are strongly advised to use the SetConnectionData method to update this info.

If you are using Unity Relay to handle connections, however, don't use SetConnectionData. The host should call SetHostRelayData, and clients should call SetClientRelayData. Attempting to join a Relay-hosted game via entering IP/port number (via SetConnectionData) won't work.

More information about Netcode for GameObjects Transports

Disconnecting and shutting down

Disconnect from a network

When you disconnect from a network you can't use or access any subsystems, for example NetworkSceneManager, because they become unavailable when NetworkManager stops. For client, host, or server modes, call the NetworkManager.Shutdown method to disconnect and shut down at the same time.


When no network session is active and the NetworkManager has been shutdown, you will need to use UnityEngine.SceneManagement to load any non-network session related scene.

public void Disconnect()
// At this point we must use the UnityEngine's SceneManager to switch back to the MainMenu

Shut down a network session

When you invoke NetworkManager.Shutdown it closes any existing transport connections. The shutdown sequence for a client finishes before the next player loop update or frame. However, the shutdown sequence can take a bit longer for a server or host (server-host).

The server-host notifies all clients when it shuts down. To do this, when you invoke NetworkManager.Shutdown the server-host sends out a disconnect notification to all currently connected clients and populates the NetworkManager.Disconnect reason with one of the two following messages, depending upon whether it's a server or host instance:

  • "Disconnected due to server shutting down."
  • "Disconnected due to host shutting down."

The server-host attempts to wait for all client connections to close before it finishes the shutdown sequence. This additional step on the server-host side helps to assure that clients receive a disconnect notification and prevents the client transport connection from timing out. If some client connections take longer than five seconds to close after NetworkManager.Shutdown is invoked, the server-host automatically finishes the shutdown sequence and closes any remaining connections.

Disconnecting clients (server only)

At times you might need to disconnect a client for various reasons without shutting down the server. To do this, you can call the NetworkManager.DisconnectClient method while passing the identifier of the client you wish to disconnect as the only parameter. The client identifier can be found within:

  • The NetworkManager.ConnectedClients dictionary that uses the client identifier as a key and the value as the NetworkClient.
  • As a read only list of NetworkClients via the NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.
  • A full list of all connected client identifiers can be accessed via NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds.
  • The client identifier is passed as a parameter to all subscribers of the NetworkManager.OnClientConnected event.
  • The player's NetworkObject has the NetworkObject.OwnerClientId property.

One way to get a player's primary NetworkObject is via NetworkClient.PlayerObject.

void DisconnectPlayer(NetworkObject player)
// Note: If a client invokes this method, it will throw an exception.

Client disconnection notifications

Both the client and the server can subscribe to the NetworkManager.OnClientDisconnectCallback event to be notified when a client is disconnected.

When disconnect notifications are triggered:

  • Clients are notified when they're disconnected by the server.
  • The server is notified when any client disconnects from the server, whether the server disconnects the client or the client disconnects itself.
  • Both the server and clients are notified when their network connection is unexpectedly disconnected (network interruption).

Client notification identifiers

  • On the server-side, the client identifier parameter is the identifier of the client that disconnects.
  • On the client-side, the client identifier parameter is the identifier assigned to the client.
    • The exception to this is when a client is disconnected before its connection is approved.

You can also use the NetworkManager.OnServerStopped and NetworkManager.OnClientStopped callbacks to get local notifications when the server or client stops respectively.

Connection notification manager example

Below is one example of how you can provide client connect and disconnect notifications to any type of NetworkBehaviour or MonoBehaviour derived component.


The ConnectionNotificationManager example below should only be attached to the same GameObject as NetworkManager to assure it persists as long as the NetworkManager.Singleton instance.

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Netcode;

/// <summary>
/// Only attach this example component to the NetworkManager GameObject.
/// This will provide you with a single location to register for client
/// connect and disconnect events.
/// </summary>
public class ConnectionNotificationManager : MonoBehaviour
public static ConnectionNotificationManager Singleton { get; internal set; }

public enum ConnectionStatus

/// <summary>
/// This action is invoked whenever a client connects or disconnects from the game.
/// The first parameter is the ID of the client (ulong).
/// The second parameter is whether that client is connecting or disconnecting.
/// </summary>
public event Action<ulong, ConnectionStatus> OnClientConnectionNotification;

private void Awake()
if (Singleton != null)
// As long as you aren't creating multiple NetworkManager instances, throw an exception.
// (***the current position of the callstack will stop here***)
throw new Exception($"Detected more than one instance of {nameof(ConnectionNotificationManager)}! " +
$"Do you have more than one component attached to a {nameof(GameObject)}");
Singleton = this;

private void Start()
if (Singleton != this){
return; // so things don't get even more broken if this is a duplicate >:(

if (NetworkManager.Singleton == null)
// Can't listen to something that doesn't exist >:(
throw new Exception($"There is no {nameof(NetworkManager)} for the {nameof(ConnectionNotificationManager)} to do stuff with! " +
$"Please add a {nameof(NetworkManager)} to the scene.");

NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += OnClientConnectedCallback;
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += OnClientDisconnectCallback;

private void OnDestroy()
// Since the NetworkManager can potentially be destroyed before this component, only
// remove the subscriptions if that singleton still exists.
if (NetworkManager.Singleton != null)
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback -= OnClientConnectedCallback;
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= OnClientDisconnectCallback;

private void OnClientConnectedCallback(ulong clientId)
OnClientConnectionNotification?.Invoke(clientId, ConnectionStatus.Connected);

private void OnClientDisconnectCallback(ulong clientId)
OnClientConnectionNotification?.Invoke(clientId, ConnectionStatus.Disconnected);