Version: 1.12.0
Testing Client Connection Management
Managing client connections in a networked game can lead to many unexpected edge-cases which if not properly tested and handled may cause bugs. Here is a non-exhaustive list of test cases that should be handled, depending on what features a game provides, and things to look out for.
Clients connecting
- test cases:
- Client connecting to a new game session
- Client connecting to a new game session after leaving a previous game session
- in the case of a client-hosted game, after ending a previous game as a host
- Client connecting to an ongoing game session (late-joining)
- Client reconnecting to an ongoing game session (see Session Management)
- Client failing to connect due to approval denied (see Connection Approval)
- things to look out for:
- Client-Side:
- Does the state of the client before connecting have an impact (that is, if connecting after disconnecting from another game or hosting one)
- Does the game state get properly replicated from the server when connecting?
- Server-Side:
- Does the server properly handle reconnections or late-joining, if the game supports it, or does it deny approval if not?
- Client-Side:
Clients disconnecting
- test cases:
- Client disconnecting gracefully by shutting down NetworkManager
- Client disconnecting by closing the application
- Client timing out when losing connection to the host/server
- By disabling internet on client
- By disabling it on the host/server
- things to look out for:
- Client-side:
- Is the state of every object tied to the game session properly reset if not destroyed? (for example, if a NetworkBehaviour isn't destroyed when despawning, is its state properly reset via OnNetworkDespawn and OnNetworkSpawn?)
- Is the client brought back to a state from which it can try to connect to a new game?
- Server-Side:
- Is the server notified of this disconnection and does it handle it properly?
- If using outside services, are they notified of this? (for example if using a lobby service, is the client removed from the lobby?)
- Client-side:
Host / Server starting the session
- test cases:
- Host/Server starting a new game session
- Host/Server starting a new game session after shutting down a previous game session
- in the case of a client-hosted game, after disconnecting from a preivious game as a client
- things to look out for:
- Server-side:
- Does the state of the application before starting a new session have an impact (that is, if starting after shutting down another game or disconnecting from one as a client)
- Server-side:
Host / Server shutting down
- test cases:
- Host/Server disconnecting gracefully by shutting down NetworkManager
- Host/Server disconnecting by closing the application
- If requiring services (i.e Unity Game Services or other services) to function:
- Host/Server timing out when losing connection to services
- things to look out for:
- Client-side:
- Are clients notified of this shut down, and do they handle it?
- Server-side:
- Are the services used notified of this? (for example if using a lobby service, does the game properly close the lobby when shutting down the game session?)
- Is the state of every object tied to the game session properly reset if not destroyed? (for example, if a NetworkBehaviour isn't destroyed when despawning, is its state properly reset via OnNetworkDespawn and OnNetworkSpawn?)
- Client-side: