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Focus the view on a Virtual Player

To switch between Virtual Player views in the Multiplayer Play Mode window, use one of the following methods:

Focus on a Virtual Player in the Multiplayer Play Mode window

  1. Open the Multiplayer Play Mode window.
  2. Navigate to the Virtual Players section.
  3. Open a player's More () menu.
  4. In the drop-down, select Focus on Player.

Use the focus player keyboard shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts to switch focus to a specific Virtual Player view:

Ctrl+F9 (macOS: Cmd+F9)Focus on Player 1.
Ctrl+F10 (macOS: Cmd+F10)Focus on Player 2.
Ctrl+F11 (macOS: Cmd+F11)Focus on Player 3.
Ctrl+F12 (macOS: Cmd+F12)Focus on Player 4.